Inspect a Roof Tips – 8 Easy Steps to Inspection Your Roof


Be sincere - when it comes to, home protection, sometimes you forget about your roof, right?

Well, you're not lonely!

The two mostly causes of water damage in the home come from flooded basements and leaky roofs.

You should have a roof inspection done at least twice a year and after every squall or equable weather, event.

You don't have to call a pro to inspect the roof, this is an 8- step DIY tip to repair your roof that's easy, quickly, and cost-efficient. So, you can know the condition of your roof and know if some repair work needs to be done, or if it's time to replace your roof.

Inspecting a Roofing for Damage

Walk Around

Walk around your home's exterior, inspecting the roof from the ground for signs of damage, sagging, and aging. Take notes of any potential problem areas or areas in need of closer inspection.

Identify Area

Identify areas with lichen, alga, and piles of leaves - these areas are notorious for causing expensive leaks and water damage. You can also consult interior designers in Coimbatore to help you out in this process.

Keep an Eye

As you continue your roof inspection, keep your eye out for buckled and curled shingles! Warm air from attics often causes herpes to buckle and curl away from the home, putting your roof and home at great risk for weather damage and poor roof ventilation.

Look for Damage

Look for lost, damaged, and old shingles - this is the main cause of roof damage. When you take the time to inspect your roof, you can hold minor issues like these before they turn into major issues followed by serious damage.

Clean Gutters

It is so important to clean your gutters and roof overhangs and maintain your downspouts! As you're performing these essential tasks, make note of open joins and signs of rot, as those are typical indicators of larger issues.

Inspect Any Skylights

During the time of a re-roof, most skylights will likely need to be replaced. You can expect a 20-22 year life, span for an individual skylight, so if the contractor's commendation is against this rule of thumb, make sure you ask them about it.

Chimney Inspection

The chimney is also an area that cannot be decently assessed without being on the roof. This is especially true for ensuring that the chimney has a saddle that diverts water away from it. Otherwise, during, rain or snow, you will have the quickness of landing or sliding right into the chimney which can cause damage and leaks.

Own Roofing Repairs

Any missing, damaged, or lost shingles should be replaced instantly. Check for popped nails that need to be hammered back in place. If you're comfortable working on a roof, then it's not too hard to replace shingles and caulk flashing yourself.

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